Create meetings, set an agenda, summon the board, and write the minutes

When the meeting concludes, all board members automatically receive the minutes. The minutes are stored in the portal and can always be retrieved.

Create Agenda

The agenda is created quickly and easily, with an option for a detailed description and file uploads for each item. Agenda items can also be assigned to board members.

Convene the Board

Once the agenda is set, you can invite the selected board members to the meeting. They can confirm or decline attendance themselves, giving you a clear overview. Everyone can thoroughly prepare for the meeting in advance.

Automatic Distribution of Minutes

You can write the minutes during the meeting or afterwards. Either way, the minutes are automatically sent out the moment you conclude the meeting. Everyone can access the minutes in the portal.

Advanced Agenda

The agenda is automatically sent to the meeting participants. Assign items on the agenda to specific attendees, ensuring they come well-prepared. Add more substance to an item by attaching files or text.

Effective Minutes

The minutes can be written during the meeting or afterwards. When the meeting ends, the minutes are automatically sent out and saved in the system. Assign tasks based on an agenda item to maintain efficiency even after the meeting.

Automatic Subscriptions +
Board Portal

Create the association's members and automate the membership fees. The board's work can now be centralized in the board portal – meetings, agendas, tasks, files, and much more.

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